Knocking on the Temple Doors
There was once an ancient temple, tucked away in a remote valley, cradled by the embrace of a majestic mountain range. The grand wooden...
Tekiyo - Progressing from Basics to Combat
The effective application of jujutsu techniques stems from a journey deep-rooted in the mastery of fundamental principles and basic...
Jack of All Trades, Master of None
Over the years we have seen various problems arise from individuals trying to "cross-train" in multiple martial arts, and as a result we...
Essay: Bio-mechanics of Good Jujutsu
There is a general misconception that jujutsu is only effective if you possess a high level of strength, stamina and aggression and that...
Dojo Kun - Rules of Training
RESPECT OTHERS 空手道は礼に始まり礼に終わる - Hitotsu karate do wa rei ni hagimari rei ni owaru. Most, if not all of the world's wars can be attributed...