Jack of All Trades, Master of None
Over the years we have seen various problems arise from individuals trying to "cross-train" in multiple martial arts, and as a result we...
Dojo Kun - Rules of Training
RESPECT OTHERS 空手道は礼に始まり礼に終わる - Hitotsu karate do wa rei ni hagimari rei ni owaru. Most, if not all of the world's wars can be attributed...
Gradings, Ranks and Titles
Many decades ago, a great master called Jigoro Kano decided that he'd create a system called the Kyu/Dan system in order to differentiate...
The Benefits of Martial Arts Training
Martial Arts training is a long proven means of attaining physical fitness. Beginners are coached so that they can reach to their full...
The Meaning of Jikan
慈館 Though the word 'Jikan' has a couple meanings in Japanese. However, the kanji (Japanese writing) used in the name of our school is of...