Jack of All Trades, Master of None
Over the years we have seen various problems arise from individuals trying to "cross-train" in multiple martial arts, and as a result we...
Dojo Kun - Rules of Training
RESPECT OTHERS 空手道は礼に始まり礼に終わる - Hitotsu karate do wa rei ni hagimari rei ni owaru. Most, if not all of the world's wars can be attributed...
Shito Ryu Karate-Do
Karate originated as a martial art hundreds of years ago and was brought to Japan from Okinawa. In Okinawa it was developed by a fusion...
Knife Attacks Pt.1 - Basic Survival for the Average Joe
The guidance provided in this article is for anyone and not just martial artists. It is only meant to boost your awareness about...
Kuro Obi - The Black Belt
Kuro Obi is the Japanese term for 'Black Belt', but what does it mean to have a black belt? In the early decades of the Kyu/Dan system,...
Karate Beyond Technique
Essay by Jacob Greasley I'm an engineer by profession. Its a challenge and my further education will also be a challenge for many years...