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Jikan Jikan is a small association of clubs with members and affiliations in the UK, Europe and Japan. The headquarters is Jikan Dojo located in East London, England.
The main theme of Jikan Kai is the practice and promotion of traditional Japanese budo as "a way of life". We have a special focus on realistic self-defence in addition to education on Japanese culture. While some members may participate in sport (especially children), we are not a sporting group. Jikan Kai is a non-political, friendly association of martial arts enthusiasts. The main arts practised are Karate-Do, Jujutsu and weaponry with high level Japanese and Okinawan mentors and affiliations. Other clubs and individuals are welcome to join our association. 
Some of the benefits include:
  • Members-only events in karate, jujutsu, iaido, bojutsu, kenjutsu and okinawan kobudo, regardless of your style.
  • Online resources - theory courses and video portals.
  • Promotion of your group in our social media and future publications.
  • Coaching qualifications (ongoing development)
  • Dan recognition/homologation. Subject to criteria.
  • Dan testing. Joint grading panel for karate and jujutsu
If you'd like to become a member, please write to to find out more.
Please be patient with us as this page is ongoing development.


Honorary President ~ HANSHI, Sei Iwasa, Italy
President ~ KYOSHI, Jacob Greasley, UK

Technical Advisor ~ SHIHAN, Yoshio Ietsune, Japan

Technical Advisor ~ HANSHI, Eric Krappinger, UK

Technical Advisor ~ KYOSHI, John Grantham, UK

Deputy Secretary ~ Federico Rossi

Branches & Practice Groups

HOMBU DOJO / HEADQUARTERS: London UK ~ Jacob Greasley

DOCKLANDS, LONDON, UK: Practice Group for Jujutsu & Kobudo ~ Kacper Pietrzyk

PARIS, FRANCE: Practice Group for Jujutsu ~ Antoine Boirard

CENTRAL LONDON, UK: Member Dojo for Karate ~ David Christenson


Affiliate Members

EAST LONDON, UK: East London Wado Kai ~ John Grantham

BELLUNO, NORTH ITALY: Affiliate Dojo for Karate ~ Giuliano Bottegal

Member Registration

Please review these documents for the Jikan Kai Association (formerly Jikan Budokai International)

Organisational Chart - TBC

Registration Form

A distinction is made between the following classes of members;

  • Affiliate Dojos

  • Individual Member

  • Practice Groups aka 'Study Groups' or 'keikokai'

  • Member Dojos

  • Headquarters (Hombu)

  • Parent Organisation/Association

Please see the JBI Introduction.pdf above for further details​.

Are you a certified instructor in posession of martial arts insurance or professional indeminity insurance?
Do you have any unspent criminal convictions or have been convicted of sexual offences in any country?
Do you have a DBS certificate (UK) or can present a police certificate of character?
I have completed the above questionnaire honestly and to the best of my knowledge. I am aware that information issued incorrectly in this form may result in termination of membership with Jikan Kai (formerly Jikan Budokai) and its affiliate/parent organisations.
I am aware that unforeseen injury or illness may occur in training. I therefore agree that I will take part in Jikan Kai training sessions at my own risk.
I will immediately inform the organisation of any changes to the information I have provided on this form.
I will not ever disclose any of the organisation's internal knowledge or documentation deemed to be 'private', 'secret' or 'restricted'. I will not distribute any copyrighted material without expressed permission. I understand some examples of this include curriculums, disciplinary proceedings and training methods.
I have read, fully understood and agree to the regulations for Jikan Kai (formerly Jikan Budo Kai). I understand that it is my responsibility to keep informed on changes to the regulations. I understand that Jikan Kai may share my information with other relevant associations and affiliate groups that it may choose to participate with.

Thanks for submitting!


Paypal Annual Subscription - Will be renewed automatically until cancelled. This does not include insurance. If you need insurance this must be acquired separately by your local branch.



📌 3 - 5 June - MASTERCLASS Seminar with Sei Iwasa, 9th Dan.

 Event Page:

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